Our volunteers in Spain provide since many years food for the homeless in Madrid and Cordoba.
SSC Spain includes also providing medical and economical support to the Fondation Dr Javad Nurbakhsh and its Health Center in Abidjan through local donations and fundraising events. The medical support is provided through our partnership with Farmamundi (FARMACEUTICOS MUNDI) a Spanish Non-Government Organization for Cooperation Development.
From 2012 to 2016, SSC Spain, under the banner of the local non profit organization Nur, was sponsoring and supporting the Casa Esperanza Project, a day center and school for children in poverty in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Our Mexican local volunteers in coordination with Spanish members were also regularly helping the center with its various activities.
Primary Contact for Country Activities
Mahmoud Pirouz, Raquel Sánchez Ventero
Email: obrasocialnur@nematollahi.org
