From 2011 to 2016 the SSC (USA and Spain) provided various grants and support to the Casa Esperanza project based in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. This Center and day school was providing two meals per day, educational programs, and a safe space for children and adolescents in the context of what is known as a “street situation”. These children and adolescents (under eighteen years of age) fight for family subsistence on the city streets are out of school and without home protection. As a result, they are extremely vulnerable to exploitation of all forms.
Primary Contact for Country Activities
Mahmoud Pirouz or Raquel Sánchez Ventero
Email: obrasocialnur@nematollahi.org


Featured Project: Casa Esperanza
Year started: 2011-2016
Geographic focus: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Areas of focus: aid, nutrition, and education for children in poverty
Brief description of current activities: Initially, SSC enabled Casa Esperanza to move to a considerably larger building than the one provided by the local government by paying building rent and maintenance expenses. As a consequence, the number of workshops and ongoing programs increased five-fold, from benefiting 30 children and youngsters to 140, plus numerous parents taking part in the activities. We also worked as volunteers supporting the educational and administrative staff appointed by the DIF, in management work, and running workshops and classes.
The SSC USA, through local donations and fundraising events, was able to give grants totaling $31,087 from 2012 to 2016.